When everything feels so right, is it the end?

Har gjort sista praktikdagen idag. Känns lite vemodigt att lämna dem alla... Härligt gäng alltså!

Ska in till Öjebyn imorgon igen ändå för att få min slutbedömning. Det kommer säkert att grillas massor. Men jag känner mig redo. Just nu är jag bara dödstrött. Trött trött. Nästan lite huvudvärk också. Ska ta mig en dusch och sedan krypa ned i sängen. Hoppas på att vakna upp till en bra dag imorgon som har mycket att erbjuda! :) Och det kommer den säkert att ha! Det blir ju vad man gör det till.
När jag var ute och gick igår hörde jag en helt tokig låt, men den var ju som lite skön ändå. Men texten är ju som helt vrickad, om än det ligger en del sanning i den.
Donald, Donald honey, what are you doing down
there in the basement? That's what I said to my
husband Donald when he came home from work last
night he said, "honey I gotta fix something
downstairs". Well as I was pulling out the
casserole I heard this weird barking noise coming
from the basement and you know, we don't have a

The devil lives in my husband's body. No one can
help up but the witch next door. The devil lives
in my husband's body. Our friends can't come over

So this went on for two weeks everynight he'd go
down to the basement and I'd hear this barking. So
finally I called up Hilda, the next door neighbor.
Well, everybody in town thinks she's a witch. But
just because she has 17 cats doesn't make her a
witch...does it?

So Hilda agreed to come over for the barbeque we
have on Saturday afternoons and we were having a
drink, the kids were on the swing set and Donald
was making hot dogs and hamburgers. All of a
sudden I looked over at him and his-his face began
to twitch and then he started barking and then
swearing, like uncontrollably.

So I was totally freaking out, Donald was
hysterical. Hilda said he was possessed by the
devil and needed an exorcism right away. I sent
him to the psychiatric hospital. Two weeks later
the doctor called me up and said I'm sorry but
your husband has Tourette's Syndrome, an incurable
psychiatric disorder. He's going to be barking
like that for the rest of his life.
Oh!...our insurance doesn't cover it. Oh!

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